Friday 14 October 2016

peaky blinders

Peaky blinders blogpost
By Amber Mackenzie

The expectations of what the characters will do next can relate to the colour pallet, the fire in the corner appears to be the only bright thing in shot placing emphasis on possible danger, also red may symbolise hell due to its violent nature. It also contrasts with the dark background which may imply the future path for the group is hellish. The fact that they are upside down is meant to slightly disorientate the audience giving the effect that the scene is possibly dream like. As well as this, the group has a large amount of head space which emphasises their dominance and importance; this is also shown as they are the main focus of the shot.
Within this still, the director is able to portray that the characters displayed are a united group. Their steps appear almost in sync implying that they are on some sort of mission. They also walk straight through this puddle without even noting its existence which makes them seem superior as they pay it no attention and don’t see it as an issue whereas most others would.
In this image the cameraman has used a slightly low angled shot. Low angled shots imply the characters are more powerful as being shot from lower down makes them appear larger and take up more of the screen therefore showing their dominance. Rule of thirds has also been used in this shot; this gives the characters in focus more nose room which eliminates errors in filming. The fact that this is used on one character suggests he’s the main focus of the shot or even the leader. All characters in shot are in dark suits, this shows the unity and that they probably all have the same goal. The dark also contrasts with the, again, hellish background colour pallet generally making the whole image unpleasant on the eye.


  1. Amber - take a look at this upload: the images are unreadable. This needs re-uploading. It may be best to save as a pdf and upload that format.

    You've examined details of mise en scene clearly. I'd like you to consider further the puddle shot: how might this be a metaphor for their brutality and destruction of peace? Add this in to your essay before you repost.

  2. You need to act on the comments I left on this blogpost, Amber.
